Sefrou and Spiced Tea

Today I went to Sefrou. If you’ve never heard of it, then you’re up there with the majority of the rest of the world. It’s a small town about half an hour’s drive from Fes, and it is known for being the first Berber town you reach in Morocco.If you don’t know what a Berber is, they look like this.

Okay, okay, one of them might actually be me. But I pull it off quite well.
So we walked around Sefrou, saw the market, and chatted a lot. It was lovely. Then I came back to Fes (grand taxi style, 4 in the back) and we got some ridiculous ice-cream. And then we had spicy tea, and it was good. And now I’m ready for bed. Well done Morocco, a good time was had by all.


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