
So, I still haven’t found any pictures to steal. Don’t worry guys, I’m working on it.

In other news…there really isn’t any. It’s amazing how much today has felt normal, probably for the first time since I’ve been in Fes. All I needed was the trip away to realise how comfortable I am here.

I did get badgered by the taxi driver today, who thought he could charge me 20dhs for an 8dh trip. I told him exactly where to go with his expectations (in poor Arabic) and paid him 10dhs (because in fairness to the guy, he did at least miss out on all the traffic)

That is literally all I have to say. Oh, that and my socks aren’t sad anymore as I need them to cover my bites on my feet. I’m not sure if they’d be happier about that or sadder, since they might be getting bled on from where my shoes rub a little bit. I’m sure they’re happy enough though.

1 thought on “Sahaaaaara

  1. Ah man, I’d find it hard enough to tell an English taxi driver if I thought he was overcharging me! I’m sure your socks are thrilled that they’ve got a special, high risk job to be trusted with!

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